Quick Natural Health Tips
Tired of life's hiccups throwing a wrench in your plans? Discover how to support your body naturally, so you're as well-prepared as possible to weather anything Mother Nature throws your way.

6 Ways to Support your Health Goals Naturally
We know that the daily grind can take a toll. Viruses. Lack of sleep. Excess stress. Wildfires. It all adds up.
To give your body the best chance at maintaining its well-being, it's important to support it naturally. The following outlines several helpful tips that can keep you and your family healthy and safe during a variety of different stages of your life.
1. Simple Steps to Avoid Getting Sick
There’s never a convenient time to get sick. But with the current state of the world, staying healthy has never been more important. Luckily you can help the body fight off any illness it encounters, reduce the chance of unwanted symptoms, and speed recovery with some easy changes.
2. How to Prepare Your Child's Immune System to Face School
With school in session, Monday through Friday your kids are exposed to an untold number of germs and bacteria.
If you’re not careful, those nasty little buggers could cause your children to become sick. Rather than wage war on an illness after it’s reared its ugly head, throw up the best defense available – a strong immune system!
By supporting your child’s immune system you are able to protect them year-round. Work to implement these simple lifestyle choices and you can keep your babies ready to face whatever funkiness school sends their way.
3. Simple Solutions for a Fit and Healthy During Pregnancy
During pregnancy, your body goes through an immense amount of changes. This can make it hard to stay healthy and fit. But a few simple changes can make it much easier to manage your overall well-being.
4. Common Basketball Shoulder Injuries that Hurt Your Game (& Remedies)
There’s nothing quite like hitting a pull-up jumper at the top of the key or taking your man to the hole for a finger roll finish. Unfortunately, shoulder pain can often keep you sidelined. Whether you want to get back on the court for your weekly pickup game or you’re training for the next big tournament, don’t let these common basketball shoulder injuries get the best of you.
Among basketball players, shoulder injuries don’t typically affect the bone. Rather, the shoulder pain comes from issues with the tendons, ligaments, and/or muscles.
For some patients, the pain worsens at night. For others, the shoulder pain is triggered when they lift their arm sideways. The pain may radiate from the base of the neck. Or it can be a constant throbbing shoulder pain that won’t go away.
4. How to Detox After Wildfire Smoke Inhalation
Over the last few years wildfires have plagued the West Coast, especially Northern California. For many, wildfire smoke inhalation has been unavoidable. This has been especially true in the Santa Rosa area, where the wind-fueled blazes have destroyed thousands of structures, burned acres of land and consumed everything in their paths.
Detoxing after smoke exposure is essential to your long-term and short-term health.
5. Natural Remedies for Allergies to Support Your Health
Feeling like allergies are getting the best of you? You’re not alone. Especially during the spring and summer, allergies can be overwhelming and make life incredibly uncomfortable. Luckily, allergy suffers can find substantial relief from natural remedies.
6. How to Boost the Immune System?
The immune system is the first line of defense when the body encounters foreign invaders, like viruses and infections. Each time it defeats a foreign microbe, it keeps a record of the cell so that it can quickly recognize and destroy the microbe if the body encounters it again — often before you’ve even gotten sick.
But sometimes the immune system isn’t quick enough to the draw. The foreign invaders replicate and the body suffers unwanted symptoms.
But what if you could give your immune system a boost? Is it possible to ramp up your immune system’s effectiveness?
Establish a Partnership with Your Naturopathic Doctor
The naturopathic doctors at Premier Integrative partner with each patient to establish a personalized health plan. Each health plan is based on a patient's unique goals, health history, and current medical situation. We work directly with you to identify the underlying cause of any illness or symptom, helping you recover and reducing the chance of recurrence.