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Vitamin Injections

Ultra-Effective & Fast Health Boosters

Get the nutrients needed to help with stress relief, fatigue, immune health, and more! Each of our vitamin injections is specifically crafted to support unique health goals — and they can be administered in just a few, quick minutes.

happy couple embracing on the beach.

Kiss Tired Goodbye

Conveniently located in Santa Rosa, our local clinic offers Vitamin Injections five days a week with an appointment — to help you feel your best.

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Fuel Your Body with Nutrients

The business of living can make it difficult to give your body the TLC it deserves. The average digestive system roughly processes just 20% of what someone consumes.

This means that diet alone struggles to provide the vitamins and minerals your body needs to not just survive, but thrive. With Vitamin Injections, you can quickly and easily support your body’s needs.

Bypassing the digestive system, Premier Integrative’s vitamin shots act like a booster, helping to jumpstart your body’s well-being.

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Your Time Matters

These simple, powerful boosters don’t require a full evaluation (like their super-charged IV Drip Therapy sisters), making appointments for vitamin injections quick and easy. 

Why put off supporting your health because you don’t have time. Treat yourself. Quickly and effectively to help optimize your well-being. Some patients report feeling better in as little as five minutes.

Middle age girlfriends

What About the All-Day B12 Happy Hour?

At Premier Integrative, there is no B12 Happy Hour. Our B12 Injections start at just $10 per injection. Always.

And, nearly every one of our Vitamin Injections includes B12 — meaning you get this key nutrient in addition to the other specialized benefits you request.

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Get Professionally Administered Vitamin Injections

We believe everyone should have easy and affordable access to the key nutrients and minerals needed to thrive. As such, our clinic always ensures the Vitamin Injection you choose is necessary to improve your health. 

All injections are administered on a by-appointment basis, Monday through Friday. They can be administered independently or as a booster to your treatment plan.

older mom and daughter walking in the sun

Administered in a Sterile Environment

In accordance with California Building Code 1250.4, Premier Integrative compounds all vitamin injections in a Class 100 HEPA filtered environment that meets all sterilization requirements.

Unlike a mobile vitamin injection service, this highly professional environment puts patient safety first by reducing the chance of contamination.