Simple Ways to Support Your Health
We spend so much of our lives surrounded by tempting, unhealthy food options. But by making simple shifts, we can support our health and enjoy our lives.

When most of us talk about losing weight, we immediately jump to eating less and exercising more. But if you’re eating the wrong foods, simply cutting down your portion size, might not be enough.
The following five foods can often keep you from losing weight:
1. Carbohydrates

Think twice about snagging a whole-wheat bagel for breakfast. This carb-heavy option could be making you hold on to extra weight.
The Problem
The advertising world has pumped up the power of ‘healthy’ carbohydrates (aka carbs). Most Americans don’t think twice about snagging a whole-wheat bagel for breakfast or noshing on a rice bowl for dinner.
Unfortunately, when your body metabolizes carbohydrates, it turns them into sugar. This is especially true of highly processed carbs, such as the breads and rice mentioned above.
But it’s easy to become addicted to carbs. Eating them raises your serotonin levels, making you feel good and happy. While that happy feeling is nice momentarily, it can cause your metabolism to slow down.
The Solution:
Make your carbohydrates vitamin rich vegetables.
Completely protein-based diets may eradicate carbohydrates, but they won’t deliver the vital vitamins and nutrients you need. Rather, replace pasta with spaghetti squash. Opt for veggie stir-fries rather than a huge burrito bowl filled with rice. Load up on sweet potatoes.
The principle here is simple: eat whole foods.
By keeping your food as unprocessed as possible, you’ll be able to limit huge sugar spikes. This helps you curb cravings. It can keep your metabolism from slowing down. And, it allows you to avoid filling up on empty calories (calories devoid of nutritional value).
2. Bland Vegetables

The Problem
Vegetables, in and of themselves, aren’t the problem. The problem is, if your vegetables are bland, you’re less likely to eat them.
But it’s so common for them to be bland! Far too many people overcooked or under-seasoned their veggies. No wonder most individuals perceive eating vegetables to be a punishment. When veggies don’t taste good, eating them is a punishment!
The Solution
The first step is to stop boiling and steaming your veggies. Both cooking techniques leach flavor and nutrients from your vegetables. Plus, it’s really easy for boiling and steaming to lead to a limp and wilted mess.
Instead, opt for roasting, stir-frying, and grilling. These techniques can help you maintain a crisp bite while also imparting another layer of flavor.
As you cook veggies, always make sure they have plenty of room. If you overcrowd them on a roasting pan, in a fry pan or on the grill they can still steam.
Consider dressing them in a flavorful sauce, such as balsamic vinaigrette. A bright and acidic dressing can give your veggies a bit of zing.
And finally, bring the toppings. Sprinkle your veggies with roasted nuts or seeds. Sprinkle them with fresh herbs. Or add a bit of vegetable yeast.
3. Dairy

Dairy products can be high in saturated fat. And, they can put you at risk of prostate cancer and possibly ovarian cancer.
The Problem
Dairy products can cause a myriad of issues for your body. The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has found a high intake can increase the risk of prostate cancer and possibly ovarian cancer.
They also found, “dairy products can be high in saturated fat as well as retinol (vitamin A), which at high levels can paradoxically weaken bones.”
The 2017 study, Dairy products and inflammation, did a systematic review of 52 different clinical trials that have investigated the inflammatory markers related to consuming dairy products. In each trial there was overwhelming evidence dairy caused an inflammatory response.
So beyond cancer, which is clearly a negative, dairy can negatively affect your immune system, which makes it hard to lose weight. Plus, dairy products tends to be high in fat.
The Solution
Beyond simply ‘don’t drink milk’ and ‘give up cheese’, there are some awesome cheese substitutes out there. For example, a sprinkle of vegetable yeast can bring a similar richness to food.
There are also a variety of vegan cheese available now. These can help you satisfy your salty, creamy craving, without the negative side effects of dairy.
Cheese also acts as a binder for some of our favorite foods, like quesadillas. Try recreating that ooey-gooey center with mashed butternut squash. Add some caramelized onions and chopped jalapeño for an ultra-indulgent bite without any guilt.
4. Fast Food

Ultra-addicting, fast food is loaded with chemicals and fat that can make it incredibly hard to shed excess pounds.
The Problem
It’s no secret fast food isn’t healthy. But what specifically about fast food contributes to gaining weight?
For one thing, fast food is typically high in calories. The classic Big Mac has more than half the daily calories an average adult woman is supposed to consume daily.
Fast food is also incredibly high in sugar, salt, and fat. It’s part of what makes it so addictive.
And, fast food is loaded with chemicals. That’s part of what makes it have such a long shelf life. When you consume all those chemicals, they can hamper your immune system’s ability to function, they can disrupt your hormones, and they can cause you to accumulate excess weight.
The Solution
One of the most common reasons people get stuck in a fast food rut is lack of time. They get caught out and about in the middle of the day and suddenly realize they're hungry.
The biggest way to stop your ‘hangry’ side from getting the best of you is to prepare.
Carry a snack with you. A bag of nuts and dried fruit can offer the quick pick-me-up you need between meals.
Take some time during the weekends to do meal prep. Wash and chop your veggies so making dinner is a breeze.
5. Sugar

Love donuts? Unfortunately, the sweet treat is loaded with sugar and fat.
The Problem
Sugary food tends to be calorie-heavy. Most individuals who eat sweetened treats end up consuming more calories than they burn on a daily basis. The body stores those excess calories as fat.
Additionally, the addictive nature of sugar can induce cravings, causing you to keep eating long after you’ve become full.
The Solution
A box of mini donuts or an extra-large slice of chocolate cake aren’t the only way to treat yourself. Mother Nature gives us a wide variety of sweet treats in the form of fruits that can help satisfy your cravings.
Options like a roasted apple sprinkled with cinnamon can make for an excellent dessert substitute. During the summer, grilled peaches topped with a drizzle of balsamic reduction might make you forget about pie altogether. And, homemade popsicles can be a fruit-infused snack available year-round.
Vitamin IV Drips Can Jumpstart Your Weight Loss
Turns out, slow and steady may not always win the race. The 2010 study, “The Association Between Rate of Initial Weight Loss and Long-Term Success in Obesity Treatment: Does Slow and Steady Win the Race?” published in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine found those who lose weight more quickly are likely to lose more weight and keep the weight off for longer.
But make no mistake about it, losing weight is hard work. Changes to your diet and exercise routine are wonderful and necessary. But it takes time to see the benefits.
Poor choices in the past can make it difficult to restore your body’s optimal vitamin and nutrient levels. That’s where Vitamin IV drips can help.
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