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Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture in Santa Rosa

Ancient Whole-Person Treatments

These non-invasive ancient medicines date back more than 3,000 years, offering a holistic approach to supporting your well-being.

calm woman receiving acupuncture

Santa Rosa Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Services

This integrative approach to medicine takes a whole-person approach to improving quality of life. Leveraging the ancient principles and treatments found within Chinese medicine, we develop a treatment plan focused on improving your physical and emotional health.

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What is Traditional Chinese Medicine?

At its core, traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is rooted in creating balance to maintain health and wellness throughout the whole body. The fundamentals rely on practices such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, and cupping.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Services in Santa Rosa


Non-invasive — this time-tested healing modality promotes vitality by shifting patterns of imbalance in the physical-mental-spiritual bodies.


Timeless, Ayurveda is an elegantly adaptable system focused on restoring your own dynamic state of health and equilibrium.

Herbal Medicine

Harnessing the power of Mother Nature’s natural healing properties, each herbal medicine prescription is customized to a patient’s constitution and condition.

Tui Na

For thousands of years, this ancient form of massage has been used to help with everything from improving blood circulation and reducing neck pain to promoting healthy lactation.

Cupping & Gua Sha

These manual therapies can help to relieve pain, enhance mobility, and promote healing by increasing blood circulation and moving stagnation in the channels.


A form of heat therapy, Moxibustion deeply penetrates the body, promoting pain relief, improving circulation, and fostering a sense of relaxation.

mom playing with baby on the floor

What Health Concerns Does Acupuncture Address?

Acupuncture is the most common TCM treatment protocol. The benefits and use cases of this ancient technique range widely, with more doctors and surgeons than ever before recommending patients utilize acupuncture to treat pain. 

In the U.S., many health insurance plans cover acupuncture to address common issues such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Headaches & Migraines
  • Knee Pain
  • Menstrual Cramps
  • Depression & Anxiety
  • Infertility
  • Pregnancy-Related Pain & Discomfort
kids walking with parents outside

Is Chinese Medicine Safe?

Chinese Medicine dates back more than 3,000 years, offering a holistic approach to pain relief and healing. Several traditional Chinese Medicine remedies were included in the 11th version of the World Health Organization’s International Statistical Classifications of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). This distinguished list is used by healthcare providers throughout the world to provide comprehensive medical advice and coverage.

I haven’t felt this good in 15 years…I finally feel like myself again.

Forsyth, S. of Sebastopol, CA

young woman receiving acupuncture

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Acupuncture uses acupuncture points throughout the body to gently encourage the body’s ability to heal itself, reduce inflammation, and provide pain relief. The process requires ultra fine sterilized, stainless-steel needles to be gently inserted into the skin at key acupuncture points.

Not all acupuncture points are the same, as they are determined by the health concern being treated and the patient’s unique nervous system.

cupping on back

What is Cupping?

Cupping is a therapy that helps increase blood circulation by using small glass or plastic cups to create a vacuum suction on the skin. Cupping can be a highly effective form of myofascial release, helping to ease deep muscle tension. Furthermore, it activates the lymphatic system, helping remove toxins from the body.